Tuesday, September 7, 2010


Why am I writing in bold?  Well, because that's what we have to be over the next two months - BOLD.   

Seriously - it's time to move to the front lines.  You heard the president yesterday at Laborfest.  To win this, we must take action.  Now. Which means call, canvass, and contribute until we can't look at another call sheet because our eyes are tearing up, until we can't knock on another door because our knuckles are raw, until we can't donate another penny because we don't have another penny to spare.  

Two events are coming up that will help you jump into the action.  One is an organizational meeting where we will all have input into how we are going to make darn well sure John Hall is re-elected.  He's in a battleground district and we must all pull together to help him win.  The other is a phonebank for John Hall where we will continue activating voters - because when they hear from us, they get fired up again.  Just like we are!   

So, sign up for both or one and be an active part of the force that will blast through the resistance and push our country forward to a new dawn.  Yes, that's bold.  Be bold.

OFA Organizational Meeting for Westchester!
Monday, September 13, 2010 7:00 PM - 8:00 PM
Mt. Kisco OFA office

Phonebank for the President's Ally John Hall!
Wednesday, September 15, 2010 6:00 PM - 9:00 PM
Mt. Kisco OFA Office

Details below:

Organizational Meeting for Westchester!

The mid-term elections are coming quickly and we must have a game plan! Come hear about what OFA is doing to help re-elect John Hall and how you can be part of this incredibly important election season. 

We will be discussing how we can better organize Westchester county and other parts of Hall's Congressional District to achieve the best possible outcome in Novemeber. You will have the opportunity to meet the OFA staffer on the ground and some of our most active volunteers. Come with ideas on how we can reach out and get others involved. 

Light refreshments will be provided!

Hope to see you there!

Phonebank for the President's Ally John Hall!

We will be making phone calls to remind key voters of the importance of this mid-term election! John Hall is an important ally of the President and we must keep him in office!

Please join us at our office in Mount Kisco, bring your cell phones and chargers (a limited number of campaign phones will be available).

This can't be done without your help! I look forward to seeing you all there!

Boldly yours,
OFA Community Organizer

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